15th Bangladesh Physics Olympiad 2025 held at AIUB

On Friday, February 28, 2025, the National Round of the 15th Bangladesh Physics Olympiad took place at the American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB). Following a regional round that attracted approximately 10,000 students from across the country, a total of 1,400 students were selected to compete in the National Round. The inauguration ceremony commenced with the hoisting of the national flag, with Prof. Dr. A.F.M. Yusuf Haider, renowned physicist and Chairman of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Professor & Acting Dean of the School of Pharmacy at BRAC University, and Former Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Dhaka, serving as the Chief Guest. Other distinguished special guests included: Mr. Shahin Reza, Country Director, Bangladesh & Nepal, Oxford AQA; Ms. Jannatul Ferdous Sigma, Regional Development Manager, Pearson Bangladesh; Mr. Munir Hasan, Chief Coordinator, Digital Transformation & Youth Program, Prothom Alo; Mr. Fayez Ahmed Jahangir Masud, General Secretary, Bangladesh Physics Olympiad; Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Rahman, Pro-Vice Chancellor, AIUB, who served as the Chairperson of the Opening Ceremony on behalf of Ms. Nadia Anwar, Founder Member and Chairman, Board of Trustees, AIUB.

An engaging Q&A session took place at the AIUB amphitheater, providing students with the opportunity to interact with esteemed figures such as Prof. Dr. M. Arshad Momen, Department of Physical Sciences, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), and Coach of the National Team for the Bangladesh Physics Olympiad, along with Prof. Dr. Saleh Hasan Naqib, Vice Chancellor of the University of Rajshahi.

Prof. Dr. M. Aminul Islam, renowned physicist and Special Assistant to the Chief Advisor, Interim Government of Bangladesh, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest at the prize distribution and closing ceremony, delivering an inspiring speech to the participants. Other notable guests who addressed the gathering included Prof. Dr. Saleh Hasan Naqib; Mr. Anisul Hoque, Editor of Kishor Alo & Associate Editor, Prothom Alo; Prof. Dr. Mahbubul Alam Majumder, renowned physicist and mathematician, School of Data and Sciences, BRAC University; Prof. Dr. M. Arshad Momen; Mr. Fayez Ahmed Jahangir Masud. Prof. Dr. Saiful Islam, Vice Chancellor of AIUB, served as the Chairperson of the prize distribution and closing ceremony.

A total of 188 students were declared winners in the National Round, each receiving prizes such as medals and certificates. Additionally, the top three winners from each category received trophies and books. Among the winners, five outstanding individuals will have the honor of representing Bangladesh in the 55th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) in France. The 15th Bangladesh Physics Olympiad 2025 was jointly organized by the Bangladesh Physics Olympiad Committee and American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB).

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